Phantom Of The Opera

full body, realistic fantasy artwork, dramatic posing, ornate masquerade costume, distinctive masquerade mask, bird mask, red and white colour scheme with black accents, filigree embroidery, character design, costume design, attractive man, brown hair in an elaborate and detailed red suit, wide-brimmed fedora hat, red tail coat, black gloves, ascot, phantom of the opera aesthetic, gothic Victorian, vampire fashion aesthetic, king core, Unreal Engine, 4k,

Female Knight

Perfect beautiful female knight with long silver hair, F cups, wearing ornate black armour with gold filigree patterns, fantasy character concept, pure, benevolent, portrait, realistic, hyper maximalist, intricate details, epic composition, golden ratio, cry engine render, cinematic lighting, 8k

Whimsical Architecture House

Whimsical architecture house, filigree, on a lake, snowing, dusk, interior lights, architectural photography, cinematic lighting, 50mm, --ar 2:3

Spherical Spaceship

minimalist, filigree art, spherical spaceship, black background

Onyx Egg

Orbs being born vertically out of a slitting onyx egg, African architectural, filigree art, hausa style inlaid upon the egg, molten lava and blue lava emerge from the egg, product display style, rtx lighting, extreme focus, cinematic lens optics, Unreal Engine 5

Sound Pulse

sound pulse :: emissive led digitalization :: greeble cpu processor, landscapes, filigree art wiring, gold metal, black titanium, cinematic electric lighting