The key stages I follow when designing

01 | Sketching

Before I start designing on my computer, I always first make a plan of what I want to create.

I use sketching as an essential step in the design process.

I create rough drawings or outlines to visualize my ideas and establish the overall layout and structure of my design. By sketching first, I can explore different concepts and iterate on my ideas before moving to digital design tools

02 | Wireframes

I use this step to add filler content to replace the outline and placeholder boxes used in the first step

Wireframing is the process of creating a visual representation of a website or application's layout.

I typically use simple shapes and placeholders to outline the various elements and functionalities of the interface. Wireframes serve as a blueprint for my final design, helping me and stakeholders understand the structure and flow of the project

03 | Components

The wireframes are converted into actual designs at this step. I change the lorem ipsum texts to actual text, add buttons, and so on

Components are the building blocks of a user interface.

They include buttons, forms, navigation menus, and other interactive elements that users engage with. During the design process, I transform wireframes into fully functional components, complete with real content and functionality. This stage is crucial for refining the user experience and ensuring consistency across the design

04 | User flow

User flow is concerned with comprehending the flow of my designs.

Which button brings the user to the next page, and which page appears when a user takes an action.

User flow refers to the path that a user follows while interacting with a website or application. It involves understanding how users navigate through the interface, what actions they take, and how they move from one screen to another. I can identify potential pain points and optimize the user experience for better usability and engagement

05 | Mockups

I display my designs as they would appear in the finished product.

I can add my typographic style, colours, photos, tables, designs, and so forth.

Mockups are high-fidelity representations of a design. Mockups simulate how the final product will look and feel. They incorporate visual elements such as typography, colours, images, and layout to give stakeholders a realistic preview of the finished interface.

Mockups are an essential tool for gathering feedback, presenting design concepts, and finalizing the visual direction of a project.

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